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Blog posts : "Statistics PHD "

PHD Statistics, Biomedical Research, Korean

My fascination with Statistics came with the early realization that the applications are almost limitless in that they have the potential to beneficially affect almost every area of people’s lives and with it came the deep desire to become an expert and teacher in this field of study and my applic…

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PHD Statistics, Econometrics

I am a graduate student at XXU and will finish my Master’s Degree in Mathematics in May of 2012. I am devoted to the idea of pursuing a lifetime career in statistics and hope to be accepted to the PHD Program in Statistics at the University of XXXX. With my undergraduate degree in economics, furth…

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PHD Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation

No one values education more highly than those who have received little or none themselves. Such was the case with my parents, my father had attended school for only five years and my mother had never attended school and was unable to read and write. Thus, our parents were especially determined that…

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PHD Statistics, Earth Sciences, Thailand

I am a young woman from Bangkok, Thailand who very much loves the earth, our planetary home, and the study of everything having to do with protecting our environment. I have always been good at math and statistics; so this is the area in which I want to make my contribution. The material that I espe…

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PHD Statistics, Canada, Korea

Statistics are the life's blood of our golden age of information. The data generated across industries, disciplines, and countries brings with it the mammoth task of organizing that information, making it sensible, and translating it into information useable for specific purposes. From the time I wa…

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5 blog posts